15 Sep East Columbia Basin Irrigation District Reports Record Water Usage
Sustained hot temperatures brought record water usage this year. The East Columbia Basin Irrigation District (ECBID) reports July water deliveries were 68,495 sfd (135,826 acre ft), marking 112% of the 2016-2021, 5-year average.
In addition, the total 2021 irrigation season deliveries through July are recorded at 210,111 sfd (416,650 acre ft) which is 125% of the 2016- 2020 5-year average. Similar to May and June, this is the highest delivery through July since 1969.
“The hot temperatures have brought high levels of sustained usage and we’ve been able to continue to meet demand,” explained Jon Erickson, Project Manager for ECBID. “The image of the canal depicts the current canal level. Normally, we would be flowing 5-8’ below this level, but due to the on-going demand, we are running at full capacity while feeding Potholes Reservoir.”
Additionally, ECBID increased acreage by 5.4% this year with the addition of the EL 47.5 Delivery System for Odessa groundwater replacement.