Waiting For Water: Watch this 10-minute film

Waiting For Water: Watch this 10-minute film

In 2017, the League worked with a local film company, to produce “Waiting for Water”, a 10-minute documentary film about the Columbia Basin Project (Project).
“Waiting for Water” follows a family of farmers in the Columbia Basin region- a land of great potential, against a backdrop of challenges - to share the story of the Columbia Basin Project.
The history of the CBP begins with an arid desert and an opportunity to make history. Dedicated visionaries persevere over 80 years, transforming the once desolate land into a flourishing community. Family farms thrive. Vibrant bio-diverse wetland habitats are created and form part of the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge. A hallmark power and irrigation system is born. Ample recreational opportunities draw three million visitors to fish, hunt, camp, swim, and explore its land and waters each year. The once arid desert now generates over $5 billion of cumulative economic activity every year. But the future of the Project is in jeopardy.
The Project is not fully developed, and it is aging. And, in the process of phased development, a declining aquifer presented yet another threat to the foundation upon which much of central-eastern Washington has been built.
If you live, work, or play in Washington, the Columbia Basin Project impacts you. It is our shared responsibility to ensure that we can continue to do so, that future generations can do so. Shared responsibility begins with increased awareness and understanding. The Project is the foundation for our livelihood, our quality of life, a secure tomorrow.
Keep the story alive by sharing the documentary on social media, at your local service clubs, in the classrooms, and with your family and friends. By sharing this documentary, you are helping to inform, secure the future benefit of the Project for our region, state, and nation.
This film informs, engages, inspires, and is appropriate for viewers of all ages. To watch, visit www.cbdl.org, click on Support, then click on Documentary Film and then click on Watch the Documentary. The direct link is https://cbdl.org/support/film/watch-the-documentary.


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